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Home Fitness Pull-Up Bar – Doorway Horizontal and Push-Up Grip Bar for Indoor Gym – Upper Body Workout Equipment for Home Gym Enthusiasts For Sale


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Maximize Your Strength Training<title></p> <h2>Maximize Your Strength Training</p> <h2> <p>Unleash the full potential of your workouts with the versatility of a home fitness essential that takes your strength training to new heights. Our deluxe pull up bar is the ultimate tool for elevating your fitness routine, giving you the flexibility to work out whenever you desire in the comfort of your own home or office environment.</p> <p><h2>Robust and Reliable Steel Frame</p> <h2> <p>Fabricated from the highest quality, heavy-duty steel, this pull up bar is designed for durability and resilience. Its robustness ensures that you can focus on your workout with confidence, achieving maximum performance without compromise.</p> <p><h2>Safe and Secure</p> <h2> <p>Engineered for your peace of mind, our pull up bar with a compact and adjustable frame effortlessly fits across standard doorways. This deceptively simple yet innovative piece is perfect for executing a range of exercises from the safety of your home.</p> <p><h2>Versatile Workout Options</p> <h2> <p>Whether you re targeting your upper body, core, or lower body, our multifunctional bar allows for an assortment of exercises including chin-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups. Build strength and tone your arms, abs, and legs while enhancing muscle agility and power.</p> <p><h2>Comfortable Grip for Enhanced Performance</p> <h2> <p>Experience comfort and stability with padded handles designed for optimal grip across various exercises. These allow for a multitude of grip positions, ensuring that you can comfortably and safely hit every angle in your workout, while also protecting your door frames from damage.</p> <p><h2>Perfect Dimensions for a Full Workout</p> <h2> <p>Measuring at an ideal size of 92L x 40W x 17H cm, this bar fits conveniently within door widths ranging from 80 to 90 cm. Tailored for a perfect fit, it ensures your workouts are seamless, productive, and unhindered.</p> <p><h2>Effortless Assembly and Usage</p> <h2> <p>Installation is a breeze with simple assembly instructions, enabling you to quickly set up and start your strength regime. With the required certification of EN20957-1.2 for home fitness equipment, you will be assured of this bar s rigorous standards of quality and safety. </p> <p><h2>Product Specifications</p> <h2> <ul> <li>Color: Sleek Black with Vibrant Green Accents <li> <li>Materials: Durable Steel, High-Density PE <li> <li>Dimensions: 92L x 40W x 17H cm <li> <li>Weight Capacity: Up to 110kg <li> <ul> <p>Embrace the convenience of gym-quality workouts in your personal space, and let the improvements to your health and physique speak for themselves. Included in the package is one Horizontal Bar, ready to support your fitness journey. Begin your transformation today!</p> <p>“`</p> <h2>Product Images</p> <h2> <img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"><img decoding="async" src="https:" alt="Product"></p> </div> <div class="woocommerce-Tabs-panel woocommerce-Tabs-panel--additional_information panel entry-content wc-tab" id="tab-additional_information" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-title-additional_information"> <table class="woocommerce-product-attributes shop_attributes"> <tr class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item woocommerce-product-attributes-item--attribute_colour"> <th class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__label">Colour</th> <td class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__value"><p>Black</p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <section class="related products"> <h2>Related products</h2> <ul class="products content-wrap product-archive grid-cols grid-ss-col-2 grid-sm-col-3 grid-md-col-4 grid-lg-col-6 woo-archive-visible woo-archive-btn-button align-buttons-bottom woo-archive-image-hover-fade"> <li class="shimmer entry content-bg loop-entry product type-product post-5061 status-publish first instock product_cat-uncategorized product_tag-__aosom has-post-thumbnail sale shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-variable cart-button-1 action-style-default product-hover-style1 image-hover-icon hover-right"> <div class="product-thumbnail"><a href="" class="woocommerce-loop-image-link woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link product-has-hover-image" aria-label="HOMCOM 1.5ft Mini Artificial Christmas Trees with Lights Set of 2, Snow Flocked Tabletop Christmas Trees with Base, Battery Operated, Desktop 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